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Temperature Measurement Technology 

Fast, accurate, and reliable liquid metal temperature readings are indispensable tools for cost-effective temperature control during iron production. High performance expendable temperature sensors from Heraeus Electro-Nite offer a wide choice of thermocouple types, probe lengths, and immersion lances to suit all process applications.

Additional non-splash, for improved operator protection, together with multi-immersion designs are available for critical applications and use in foundries.

Immersion Sensors

  • Expendable types: Positherm®, Positherm® Non-Splash
  • Multi-immersion types: XT, MultiTip, Multi-Stik, Maxi-Stik, ENTHERM, NSL, IF
  • Continuous types: Contitherm®, Contitherm® lite, CasTemp ®

Instruments: Digilance V, DigiTemp-E, Conti-Lab E, QUBE T

Digilance V

Digilance V is the latest most advanced handheld temperature instrument for molten metal applications available today.